In January, my mind and body get so cold,

And there came February and March. How did you all spend your time?

It was so very cold, but a single rose 'Rio Samba' endured the cold, and a flower was blooming.

I pruned 41 roses and replaced the soil in their pots. On top of the rose pots, a deep layer of snow piled up.

The cold and severity became even more intense.

This winter, I felt the cold deeply with my body and soul.

In such a cold winter, a ray of light warmly extended a hand to such a small being.

I was able to win a lottery to watch a piano concert for the general public at the guest house of my dreams.

I was given the opportunity to share the greatest joy with my friend (Yoko Uchida).

I'm such a fool who don't suit the location, so it was hard from the beginning to end,

But this building has such a wonderful and magnificent history.

The building is so beautiful,

The sculpture is so wonderful,

It was so majestic in its appearance,

I couldn't help but hold my breath,

I was just fascinated by the scenery.

At the concert, even us such a tiny beings were also reached out and enveloped by the angelic sound of the beautiful piano of Erard, which is said to have been used by Chopin.

I was just swaying and letting myself be swayed by the waves of holy music.

I was enveloped in a veil of sound, of that wonderful music. This brought back a variety of sad memories. I cried as I listened to the beautiful sounds.

In this palace, the history and culture of the West and the East are harmonized with love and peace. It was in such a palace that I was dreamily enveloped by the sound of beautiful historical instruments. I am simply grateful to God for such a valuable experience.

In this historic building, Eastern and Western histories blend together beautifully, like a marriage of wine and cuisine. When I saw it, I was reminded of an anecdote about how the boy Mozart met Queen Marie Antoinette when they were such a young boy and girl.

Once again, I fell in love with Mozart's music.

Mozart's music has a dignified strength and nobility that never gives up in the face of any difficulties.

Mozart's music works strongly on our souls and encourages us.

I'm such a small being, but even though I'm nothing but just a fool, still I have my friend Yoko and also I have my favorite music.

No matter how difficult times are, friends and music can comfort and encourage us.

Please listen to my friend Yoko Uchida's piano performance.

モーツァルト作曲「Piano Sonata in F major, K. 332- 2nd mov. Adagio(ピアノソナタ第12番 ヘ長調 K.332 第2楽章 アダージョ)」と、ショパン作曲「 "Heroic" Polonaise op. 53 in A flat major(ポロネーズ第6番変イ長調 作品53”英雄ポロネーズ”)」を、どうぞ。
The program is Mozart's "Piano Sonata No. 12 in F major, K.332, 2nd movement, Adagio” and Chopin's "Heroic Polonaise op. 53 in A flat major".

※Mozart- Sonata K.332- 2nd mov.Adagio, Chopin "Heroic" Polonaise op.53, Yoko Uchida
※The rehearsal concert / 01. March. 2014 (Tokyo)
 Mozart- Piano Sonata in F major, K. 332- 2nd mov. Adagio(モーツァルト作曲 ピアノソナタ第12番 ヘ長調 K.332 第2楽章 アダージョ)
 Chopin "Heroic" Polonaise op. 53 in A flat major (ショパン作曲 ポロネーズ第6番変イ長調 作品53 ”英雄ポロネーズ”)
 Yoko Uchida
 ピアノ 内田 陽子さん
 司会 中根 美枝さん

I hope that as many people as possible will have the opportunity to listen to my friend Yoko Uchida's piano performance. I am eager to have that chance as much as possible, so I'm participating in the piano rankings. It is so encouraging, so I would like to ask you, with such a generous heart of yours, please push the buttons and cast your votes for my friend Yoko Uchida's piano performance. Thank you for your great kindness.

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